Our Projects
When traveling we like to have a purpose. It is important for us to exchange with the local communities we meet. We don’t want to just take photos and leave an area without learning something of the local culture and outlook on life. We hope the people we meet will remember us and take something positive from the time we spend together.
We are passionate about sharing our love of travel and want to encourage others to do the same, or at least share in our experiences, as we open our hearts and our lives to those who follow us.
The more we travel, the more we realize how fragile and precious the natural world is. We have decided to promote environmentally friendly products that we both use and believe in. We wish to encourage people to make green choices by showing through our website products that are kind to the environment.
We decided to involve our hometown local schools in our sailing project. We think that this is a nice way to make children realize that there are many different ways of living. That there are different cultures that educate their children in different ways. We want to share our adventures and encourage children to get involved and ask questions on how we travel and live and the new countries and cultures that we discover.
We want to share the message of looking after the environment with these school children. The lesson of taking care of the planet is not a new one. But through connecting children together, and taking them on a journey to new horizons we hope to connect with their sense of adventure, courage and self belief, that they too can be involved in changing the world for the better.
We consider it important to share our skills in osteopathy and first aid, to benefit those who are interested in what we do, and might not have access to this sort of treatment or information.
We are setting up a first aid for travelers website and internet course to help inform and educate those planning to go traveling off the beaten track.
Lets take a closer look at these projects…